On this page we will put the news.
The objective is over time to be able to see the evolution of ForestGlamp, as well as, to allow those who follow and visit us to follow our evolution
Protection of Jacuzzis

It was one of our first innovations still in 2018, to protect the jacuzzi from the rain, thus allowing to enjoy the same even with grayer days.
This system allows to protect the Jacuzzi in the winter and to continue to enjoy an open air Jacuzzi in the summer.
We hope you like.

Well of Desires
The Well of Desires was born of the need to clean the hose.
And as necessity develops the ingenuity, the well of desires arose.

Rental Bikes
There have been many requests, and now here they are, bicycles with electric support.
They can already be rented, and have a battery with a range of 45km.
Nothing like a bike ride through Quinta or go to the beach to see the sea.
More information at reservas@gmail.com